Huseyn Hajiyev (programmer)

"Fight till the end while you are alive , be sure you will no have other chance !"

I never evaluated extracurricular activities just as a source of enjoyment.They provide us a venue for more social interaction
and also considerably contribute to garner a sense of commitment and cultivate various skills by which we can fulfill and
enrich the academic experience.
For 5 years, I have been a member of ICT Masters organization, initiated by UNESCO’s Learning For the Future project,
which opened up new avenues for me to grasp the fundamentals of IT and upgrade my skillset of programming and
problem-solving, thus, by the virtue of my praiseworthy performance, I ranked to the advanced status within
a short time frame.
Participation in Olympiads encompasses an extensive part of my curricular activities.Being awarded a silver medal at
Republic Olympiad led me down the path to greater successes, as I was qualified both to the national team for the First
European Junior Olympiad and to the preparation center of gifted children, organized by the Ministry of Education of
Azerbaijan, for participation in the international Olympiads. As a member of the national informatics team, I participated
at the International Olympiad in Informatics 2019, in the final of All-Russian School Programming Olympiad 2019,
InfoCup 2019, Moscow Workshops Juniors, Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad 2020.Olympiads that I have involved in,
made me acquire a range of skills in programming and learn a lot about algorithms, and data structures, and most
importantly,I became more goal-oriented person.

Nihat Abdullayev (physicist, engineer)

"There are successful and unsuccessful people in life, but luck always gives a chance to those who are not successful at least once."

I was born and raised in Jalilabad. In 2009, I started my first education at school No. 1 named after Nizami Ganjavi in
​​Jalilabad. Since 2016, I had continued my secondary education at Bilasuvar Lyceum named after our national hero Mubariz
The basis of my education and personal life is participation in various competitions and projects. I had been
volunteering during my high school years, and since 2019 I have been a volunteer of the “Genc Konullu” organization.
I was invited as a volunteer to the Republic Youth Forum in 2019. I also had scout activity in early lyceum years.
I spent the last years of my high school life only on scientific-engineering activities and Olympiads. I always believed
that I would be successful, especially if I pursued my interest in physics from an early age. Initially in 2019, I had
participated in a competition at Baku Engineering University, and I got a bronze medal because of "Finding a new energy
source-piezoelectric crystal". I had also participated in lots of Olympiads. Thus, in 2019, I got a bronze medal from the
second International Olympiad of the Talent Preparation Laboratory. I had also gotten bronze and silver medal from
Republic Physics Olympiads twice (2019 and 2020). But I would say that the most memorable and successful part of my
Olympic career was to represent our country in physics at the International Zhautikov Olympiad in Kazakhstan in 2020.
Participation in all these Olympiads and achievements inspired me to work harder on the path I am continuing.
In the later stages of my career, I had the opportunity to become interested not only in competitions, but also in
physics projects. And I thought about how I could use my physics skills to help others. Thus, I made contributions to be
created the book called "Elektrodinamika". This book was a great source of information on the problems used in the
International Physics Olympiads held within the framework of the grant competition of the Ministry of Education.
After graduating Bilasuvar Lyceum with gold medal, I got 654 points from DIM exams, since 2020, I have been studying
at ADA University, Computer Engineering. There we also have Science Club at ADA University that targets to support
every enthusiastic science lover.

Alkim Demirсi

"Opportunities don’t happen, you create them."

My name is Alkim, and I am from Turkey. I was living in Moscow, Russia, before coming to Azerbaijan, and now I have
been living in Baku for five years. Thanks to my education in Russia and Azerbaijan, I could learn Russian and
English beside Turkish, however, I have never lived in Turkey before.
I have always been doing numerous sports since my childhood; I have played basketball for three years, swam for over
four years, rode horse at steeplechase for four years and playing tennis for two years now. Furthermore, I also have
had a musical education since I was a child; I played piano for seven years, violin for three years, and now I am
learning to play electro guitar.
I had my high school education under the International Bachelor system, and I received classes named “International
Technology in Global Society”. Thus, I gained a background about the computer sciences and programming (especially
website programming and HTML language). Moreover, I designed a wide-ranged website for a school project during my
high school years.
I always participated in national summer science camps held in Turkey every year, hence, I have a strong background
in natural sciences, especially in biology. Besides that, I often participated in social activities; for instance,
I participated in a national theatre competition held in Russia, to represent my school, and I and my teammate won
the first place, and I was additionally rewarded as the best participant in the competition. Moreover, I participated
in Baku International Model United Nations Conference, again representing my school.
I organized various social events in my high school too; for example, I have a hobby of taking professional pictures,
therefore, my high school held several picture galleries for me. Besides, I organized kermises and school trips to
national museums in Baku.
After graduation from high school, I was accepted in ADA university. Now I am in my first year in department of Computer
Engineering. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic period, I am having online education, however, I am looking forward for
the end where everyone can have a safe, healthy daily life and be able to go to ADA university personally.