Hour of Code
Our Hour Of Code project aimed to instill coding logic in fun ways for our young
friends. To carry out this team work, we contacted our team members via the Zoom
platform. In determining the lesson, we went through the Code Adademy page, and
we have came to the conclusion that the Minecraft image will have a more effective
effect on children, based on which lesson will be more interesting for children and
which face will be more familiar to children. After that, we divided the course into
parts and determined in advance who would explain what issues. The children were
selected on a voluntary basis between the 5th and 6th grades of Bilasuvar Educational Complex named after National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov.
We tried to choose a suitable time for the lesson. So,
we thought it would be more convenient for children to connect on the Saturday of
the week. We also made sure that the lesson did not coincide with the time of iftar,
given that some of the children may be fasting due to the time interval.
The lesson took place on May 1. The course was based on descriptive analysis and mutual
information exchange. Students joined the lesson on the Zoom platform at a pre-arranged
time. The number of students was 34. In the introductory part of the lesson, the children
were informed about ADA University and their questions about the university were answered.
This part was performed by Nihat and Huseyn, taking into account the language possibilities.
The course was based on solving problems from the Minecraft section. First, Alkim solved the
first 4 issues with the children. Alkim used Turkish to make it easier for children to
understand, which was welcomed by the children. In the next part, Nihat tried to solve the
other 4 problems with the help of the students. Using Zoom's "remote control" function,
students were allowed to write their own code. Even one of our young friends, Aykhan, managed
to solve the 5th problem completely. In the next stage, Huseyn solved 4 more issues with
the children. At the end of the lesson, the children were asked whether they participated
in bi-type projects. They were sent an online survey and asked to answer closed and open
questions. For some technical reason, 30 of the 34 students were left out, and these 30
responded to the survey to find that these projects were informative, helping to teach
coding in a non-tiring and fun way. They said they often wanted to do such projects.
At the end, we took pictures with our young friends. We wish them success in their studies
and in their future lives. The course took more than 1 hour and 15 minutes because it was
You can watch the video to see , how the event happened.
Our website project
Site development is based on group work. Thus, it was necessary to complete fundamental HTML, CSS and
JavaScript courses in CodeAcademy to acquire fundamental knowledge and design the site, and then to
start working in full. To do this, we, as a group, communicated through the Zoom online chat platform
and came to the conclusion that each member of the group should first finish the courses by a specified
time. Since the task completion time coincides with the holiday time, we unanimously agreed that by the
end of the Ramadan holiday, each participant had to complete at least 2 essential courses (HTML and CSS)
in order to conduct the holiday effectively and earn time. We would start working on the site from next
Starting from the next week, we focused on the site. In order to be able to collaborate better online,
we decided to open an account on GitHub, create our own AZCoders group there and upload every file needed
for the site. We first determined what the site would look like, then divided the work into sections and
assigned certain tasks to each team member.
Both HTML, CSS and JavaScript were used to compile the site. Each page of the site is designed in 3
languages ​​- English, Azerbaijani and Turkish to make it more user-friendly. First, Huseyn prepared
the first page to be opened in HTML and uploaded it to GitHub, and Nihat did the decoration for the
page with the help of css and javascript languages. Huseyn also added a video to the front page.
Then we compiled the external pages. We tried to decorate it beautifully by adding information about
ourselves. Alkim, Nihat and Huseyn added information and photos about themselves. Nihat translated
this information into Turkish and Azerbaijani. While Huseyn enriched the page via CSS, Alkim helped
Nihat to translate information about hemself into Turkish. After that, we started to create a page
with our projects. In this section, we have added our Hour of Code and our current site design
projects. Hour of Code was written in HTML mainly by Huseyn and decorated mainly by Nihat with CSS
and JavaScript. Nihat mainly wrote the site design section, and Huseyn mainly decorated it using
CSS and JavaScript. The projects were translated into different languages ​​by all three team members.
Finally, the necessary CSS and JavaScript sections were improved by Huseyn and Nihat. Updates were
regularly uploaded to GitHub during all these procedures. At the end, the logo of the site was formed
based on the opinion of all three team members and added to the site.
We are very grateful to Araz Yusubov, the initiator and direct motivator of such projects, Professor of ADA University! We hope that such projects will play an invaluable role in the proper formation of young brains! 🙂